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The Temple Games


Phone (401) 305-0836
Address 167 Columbus Ave,
Pawtucket, RI 02860 United States


he Temple is focused on great events, exciting leagues, and the best casual play environment around. From huge custom built tables to provide gamers with plenty of space to game on, to unbelievably detailed wargaming terrain, this place is built to give you an incredible place to throw down against friends, day or night. Organized and casual play is not an afterthought at The Temple. It is why we've built it.

However, that doesn't mean that we're not stocking the shelves with what you want. We have the latest wargaming, hobby supplies, CCGs, and board gaming products you are looking for. If it's not in the shop, you can order what you want via our friendly staff or from the comfort of your own home through the very website you are currently reading, and pick up your order at the store in no time at all. Also, since we know money is tight for everyone, we're all about giving you a great price.

Finally, this place is seriously wired. The Temple offers free Wi-Fi access, a series of mounted flat-screen high-def monitors for tournament standings, digital television, video games, music, and even a dedicated tournament organizers station for real-time event coordination and preparation. This website also pushes the boundaries from what you would expect from a local game shop's online presence, with a ton of interactive features, leader boards, product updates, and more!

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